Fabulous February at Chesapeake Forum
From boats to birds to cooking, history and writing, there is a lot coming up at Chesapeake Forum in February. To see the full list of classes for the Winter session, please visit https://chesapeakeforum.org. Registration is open and ongoing.
Tuesday, February 4th, join a lively group for conversations about the world’s most challenging geopolitical issues. Great Decisions is eight sessions, Tuesday, Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25, Mar 4, 11, 18, 25th from 1:30 – 3pm. $70. In person at the Talbot Chamber of Commerce.
Step in to the past with Dion Banks to learn about the African American experience in Dorchester County on Thursday, February 6th. Focusing on the Past for Change in the Future is two (2) sessions, Thursday, Feb. 6 and 13 from 1:30 – 3pm. $40 HYBRID (in person at the Easton Family YMCA, via ZOOM or recording).
Monday, Feb. 10th, join Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum Curator Pete Lesher for a fascinating look at Boats for the Bay – Exploring Chesapeake Watercraft from 1:30 – 3pm. $30. In person at the Chesapeake Maritime Museum.
On Tuesday, Feb. 11th, catch the excitement and enthusiasm of young birders in a special joint session with the Talbot Bird Club. Youthful Birders Report on the World Series of Birding is one session from 7 – 8pm. ZOOM only. No Cost.
If you are a railroad buff, Chesapeake Forum has you covered with Rail History on Maryland’s Eastern Shore followed by a Field trip to the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania. Both are led by rail industry professional Thomas MacKay. Rail History on Maryland’s Eastern Shore is three (3) sessions, Wednesday Feb. 12, 19, 26th from 10:30 – noon. $50. HYBRID (in person at the Easton Family YMCA, via ZOOM or recording). The Field Trip to the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania is one (1) session, Feb. 28th, 8am – 5pm. $35. In person at the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania.
On Valentine’s Day, give a heart to healthcare! Explore Chesapeake College’s Health Professions with a personal tour of learning labs and facilities plus lunch at the college. Chesapeake College’s Health Professions is one session, Friday, Feb. 14th from 10:30am – 1pm. An optional campus tour is available from 1-2pm. $30. In person at Chesapeake College.
On Monday, Feb. 17th leave the driving to the pros and enjoy exploring as many Washington DC museums as you’d like in Field Trip to the Museums on the Mall. Three pickup and drop-off points. Field Trip to the Museums on the Mall is one session, Monday, Feb. 17th from 9am – 5pm. $80. In person.
Finally, get your creative juices flowing with the Lyric Essay, a fun, creative way to spice up your writing. Learn to express ideas, thoughts emotions with a combination of poetry, prose, memoir and experiments for a fresh approach. The Lyric Essay is three (3) sessions, Tuesday, Feb. 18, 25, Mar 4 from 10:30 – noon. $50. In person at the Easton Family YMCA.
To register for these, or any other Chesapeake Forum classes, visit https://chesapeakeforum.org. Chesapeake Forum is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing lifelong learning opportunities for residents of the Eastern Shore. To receive Chesapeake Forum’s newsletter, send your name and contact information to [email protected]