Talbot County Empty Bowls – February 22nd

Talbot County Empty Bowls, a volunteer organization focused on addressing food insecurity in Talbot County, has announced February 22, 2025, as the date for this year’s community dinner. Tickets are now on sale for the dinner where guests will choose a bowl and dine from a selection of donated soups (including vegetarian options) from local restaurants. Tickets for previous events sold out, which demonstrates the commitment of Talbot County residents to help others in our community. Opportunities also exist to serve as a sponsor for the dinner. Visit bit.ly/SponsorEB if interested in sponsoring.
“We are excited to be organizing our dinner again at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church in Easton,” said Amy Jacobs, co-chair of Empty Bowls. “The dinners have been so successful in raising funds for our local food pantries and we look forward to providing these organizations with much-needed support again this year.”
Reorganized in 2021, Talbot County Empty Bowls has raised over $65,000 through the generosity of local residents. Funds have been awarded to: Helping Hands, Tilghman Island Food Pantry; Care Packs; Neighborhood Service Center; Scotts United Methodist Church Pantry on the Go; Harvest of Hope Food Pantry, Easton Church of God; St. Michaels Community Center; and Royal Oak Church/ Bellevue Church.
Community support is the key to this success. Local restaurants and businesses provide supplies and many services, including soup, bread, butter, paper products, and printing. Individuals and groups are encouraged to participate by making bowls. Individuals can reserve a spot at Kiln Born Creations (kilnborncreations.com) to create and donate bowls for the event.
The global non-profit organization Empty Bowls has raised millions of dollars for hunger-related causes across the United States and in countries around the world. Talbot County Empty Bowls is an independent, volunteer, grassroots organization working through the Mid-Shore Community Foundation with the twin mission of eliminating hunger insecurity one bowl at a time and raising awareness in the community of this serious and fundamental issue for Talbot County. Since its original 2008 inception, Talbot County Empty Bowls has distributed over $350,000 to Talbot County food organizations. Each of the organizations serves people in need year-round regardless of race or religion.
For more information or to find out how you can get involved, please visit the Talbot County Empty Bowls Facebook page at www.facebook.com/TalbotCountyEmptyBowls. Donations are being accepted through the Mid-Shore Community Foundation (www.mscf.org).

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