TWM Speaker Series

On Saturday, February 22, at 1pm, the Tilghman Watermen’s Museum Speaker Series will host Nick Hargrove from Tilghman Island Seafood at the Tilghman Island Volunteer Fire Department, 5979 Tilghman Island Road. The event is free, but donations are gratefully accepted.
Nick Hargrove was a traditional seafood buyer and processor on the Eastern Shore until the declining crab population made him change direction. With encouragement from potential customers, he converted the old packing house at Phillips Wharf on Tilghman Island to a state-of-the-art facility for processing wild Chesapeake blue catfish. By supplying ice to the watermen who catch the catfish, hiring a staff that is passionate about the environment, and processing the fish as soon as they are offloaded, Tilghman Island Seafood is sending blue catfish throughout the U.S. to satisfied chefs.
Committed to celebrating, documenting, preserving, and sharing the history, traditions, heritage, and culture of Tilghman’s Island, the Tilghman Watermen’s Museum hosts an exceptional collection of local artists such as Bill Cummings, Colleen Sadler, Marc Castelli, and Nancy Tankersley. The museum contains a treasure trove of artifacts, oral histories, and boat models.
Located in the Lee House at 6031 Tilghman Island Road, the museum will close for the winter and will re-open in the spring. For additional information, contact us by email: [email protected] or visit our website:

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