Tom Cheezum Memorial Toy & Train Show at Preston Fire Hall

Feb. 8: Tom Cheezum Memorial Toy & Train Show at Preston Fire Hall, 3680 Choptank Rd., Preston, 9am to 2pm. Featuring Lionel, Plasticville, Ertl, Lego, Action Figures, Farm Toys and much more. $5 adults, $4 spouse, kids under 12 free with adult. Free parking in rear of firehouse. Breakfast and

Caroline-Dorchester County Fair Board presents 3rd Annual Sportsman’s Bash

Caroline County 4-H 8230 Detour Road, Denton

Feb. 8: Caroline-Dorchester County Fair Board presents 3rd Annual Sportsman’s Bash at the Caroline County 4-H Park, 8230 Detour Rd., Denton. Doors open at 10am and starts at 12pm. Entry ticket: $60 includes a chance to win main prizes, BBQ Chicken & Beef dinner, drinks, and all you can drink